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                            Synchytriaceae Go to child
                            Fossil_ascomycota_family Go to child
                            Andreiomycetaceae Go to child
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                            Arthoniales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Chrysotrichaceae Go to child
                            Lecanographaceae Go to child
                            Opegraphaceae Go to child
                            Roccellaceae Go to child
                            Roccellographaceae Go to child
                            Phaeococcomycetaceae Go to child
                            Candelariaceae Go to child
                            Pycnoraceae Go to child
                            Xanthopyreniaceae Go to child
                            Coniocybaceae Go to child
                            Lichenoconiaceae Go to child
                            Acrospermaceae Go to child
                            Aplosporellaceae Go to child
                            Botryosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Botryosphaeriales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Phyllostictaceae Go to child
                            Planistromellaceae Go to child
                            Cookellaceae Go to child
                            Dothideomycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Englerulaceae Go to child
                            Euantennariaceae Go to child
                            Fenestellaceae Go to child
                            Leptopeltidaceae Go to child
                            Meliolinaceae Go to child
                            Naetrocymbaceae Go to child
                            Parodiopsidaceae Go to child
                            Perisporiopsidaceae Go to child
                            Polystomellaceae Go to child
                            Protoscyphaceae Go to child
                            Pseudoperisporiaceae Go to child
                            Pyrenidiaceae Go to child
                            Seuratiaceae Go to child
                            Trichopeltinaceae Go to child
                            Trichothyriaceae Go to child
                            Eremithallaceae Go to child
                            Melaspileaceae Go to child
                            Lichenotheliaceae Go to child
                            Micropeltidaceae Go to child
                            Microthyriaceae Go to child
                            Monoblastiaceae Go to child
                            Muyocopronaceae Go to child
                            Patellariaceae Go to child
                            Tirisporellaceae Go to child
                            Polycoccaceae Go to child
                            Trypetheliaceae Go to child
                            Valsariaceae Go to child
                            Asterinaceae Go to child
                            Hemigraphaceae Go to child
                            Neobuelliellaceae Go to child
                            Parmulariaceae Go to child
                            Stictographaceae Go to child
                            Antennulariellaceae Go to child
                            Capnodiaceae Go to child
                            Capnodiales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Cladosporiaceae Go to child
                            Davidiellaceae Go to child
                            Metacapnodiaceae Go to child
                            Dothideaceae Go to child
                            Dothideales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Dothioraceae Go to child
                            Saccotheciaceae Go to child
                            Dothideomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Vizellaceae Go to child
                            Cystocoleaceae Go to child
                            Mycosphaerellaceae Go to child
                            Schizothyriaceae Go to child
                            Teratosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Elsinoaceae Go to child
                            Myriangiaceae Go to child
                            Racodiaceae Go to child
                            Strigulaceae Go to child
                            Tenuitholiascaceae Go to child
                            Aulographaceae Go to child
                            Rhizodiscinaceae Go to child
                            Hysteriaceae Go to child
                            Gloniaceae Go to child
                            Mytilinidiaceae Go to child
                            Aigialaceae Go to child
                            Amniculicolaceae Go to child
                            Anteagloniaceae Go to child
                            Coniothyriaceae Go to child
                            Corynesporascaceae Go to child
                            Cucurbitariaceae Go to child
                            Dacampiaceae Go to child
                            Diademaceae Go to child
                            Dictyosporiaceae Go to child
                            Didymellaceae Go to child
                            Didymosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Dothidotthiaceae Go to child
                            Halojulellaceae Go to child
                            Kirschsteiniotheliaceae Go to child
                            Lentitheciaceae Go to child
                            Leptosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Lophiostomataceae Go to child
                            Lophiotremataceae Go to child
                            Massariaceae Go to child
                            Massarinaceae Go to child
                            Melanommataceae Go to child
                            Montagnulaceae Go to child
                            Mycoporaceae Go to child
                            Phaeosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Pleomassariaceae Go to child
                            Pleosporaceae Go to child
                            Pleosporales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Roussoellaceae Go to child
                            Sporormiaceae Go to child
                            Teichosporaceae Go to child
                            Tetraplosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Thyridariaceae Go to child
                            Torulaceae Go to child
                            Trematosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Paranectriellaceae Go to child
                            Pleosporomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Tubeufiaceae Go to child
                            Venturiaceae Go to child
                            Chaetothyriaceae Go to child
                            Coccodiniaceae Go to child
                            Epibryaceae Go to child
                            Herpotrichiellaceae Go to child
                            Lyrommataceae Go to child
                            Microtheliopsidaceae Go to child
                            Pyrenotrichaceae Go to child
                            Trichomeriaceae Go to child
                            Chaetothyriomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Rhynchostomataceae Go to child
                            Celotheliaceae Go to child
                            Pyrenulaceae Go to child
                            Pyrenulales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Trichotheliaceae Go to child
                            Adelococcaceae Go to child
                            Verrucariaceae Go to child
                            Verrucariales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Coryneliaceae Go to child
                            Cryptocaliciaceae Go to child
                            Eurotiomycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Aspergillaceae Go to child
                            Eurotiales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Trichocomaceae Go to child
                            Mycocaliciaceae Go to child
                            Sphinctrinaceae Go to child
                            Laboulbeniaceae Go to child
                            Pyxidiophoraceae Go to child
                            Acarosporaceae Go to child
                            Lecanoromycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Caliciaceae Go to child
                            Physciaceae Go to child
                            Alectoriaceae Go to child
                            Biatorellaceae Go to child
                            Carbonicolaceae Go to child
                            Cladoniaceae Go to child
                            Dactylosporaceae Go to child
                            Ectolechiaceae Go to child
                            Eigleraceae Go to child
                            Gypsoplacaceae Go to child
                            Haematommataceae Go to child
                            Lecanoraceae Go to child
                            Lecanorales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Malmideaceae Go to child
                            Pachyascaceae Go to child
                            Parmeliaceae Go to child
                            Pilocarpaceae Go to child
                            Psilolechiaceae Go to child
                            Psoraceae Go to child
                            Ramalinaceae Go to child
                            Ramboldiaceae Go to child
                            Scoliciosporaceae Go to child
                            Sphaerophoraceae Go to child
                            Stereocaulaceae Go to child
                            Tephromelataceae Go to child
                            Helocarpaceae Go to child
                            Lecideaceae Go to child
                            Lopadiaceae Go to child
                            Catillariaceae Go to child
                            Leprocaulaceae Go to child
                            Coccocarpiaceae Go to child
                            Collemataceae Go to child
                            Pannariaceae Go to child
                            Placynthiaceae Go to child
                            Peltigerales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Koerberiaceae Go to child
                            Massalongiaceae Go to child
                            Peltigeraceae Go to child
                            Vahliellaceae Go to child
                            Rhizocarpaceae Go to child
                            Sporastatiaceae Go to child
                            Brigantiaeaceae Go to child
                            Teloschistales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Megalosporaceae Go to child
                            Teloschistaceae Go to child
                            Arctomiaceae Go to child
                            Arthrorhaphidaceae Go to child
                            Baeomycetaceae Go to child
                            Cameroniaceae Go to child
                            Hymeneliaceae Go to child
                            Protothelenellaceae Go to child
                            Trapeliaceae Go to child
                            Xylographaceae Go to child
                            Graphidaceae Go to child
                            Odontotremataceae Go to child
                            Coenogoniaceae Go to child
                            Gomphillaceae Go to child
                            Gyalectaceae Go to child
                            Ostropales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Phlyctidaceae Go to child
                            Porinaceae Go to child
                            Sagiolechiaceae Go to child
                            Spirographaceae Go to child
                            Stictidaceae Go to child
                            Thrombiaceae Go to child
                            Ostropomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Agyriaceae Go to child
                            Coccotremataceae Go to child
                            Icmadophilaceae Go to child
                            Megasporaceae Go to child
                            Microcaliciaceae Go to child
                            Ochrolechiaceae Go to child
                            Pertusariaceae Go to child
                            Sarrameanaceae Go to child
                            Schaereriaceae Go to child
                            Thelenellaceae Go to child
                            Elixiaceae Go to child
                            Fuscideaceae Go to child
                            Ophioparmaceae Go to child
                            Ropalosporaceae Go to child
                            Umbilicariaceae Go to child
                            Leotiomycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Myxotrichaceae Go to child
                            Chaetomellaceae Go to child
                            Erysiphaceae Go to child
                            Arachnopezizaceae Go to child
                            Calloriaceae Go to child
                            Chlorociboriaceae Go to child
                            Cordieritidaceae Go to child
                            Dermateaceae Go to child
                            Godroniaceae Go to child
                            Helotiaceae Go to child
                            Helotiales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Hemiphacidiaceae Go to child
                            Hyaloscyphaceae Go to child
                            Lachnaceae Go to child
                            Rutstroemiaceae Go to child
                            Sclerotiniaceae Go to child
                            Solenopeziaceae Go to child
                            Vibrisseaceae Go to child
                            Bulgariaceae Go to child
                            Leotiaceae Go to child
                            Helicogoniaceae Go to child
                            Phacidiaceae Go to child
                            Phacidiales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Tympanidaceae Go to child
                            Ascodichaenaceae Go to child
                            Cryptomycetaceae Go to child
                            Rhytismataceae Go to child
                            Rhytismatales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Gloeoheppiaceae Go to child
                            Lichinaceae Go to child
                            Peltulaceae Go to child
                            Orbiliaceae Go to child
                            Ascobolaceae Go to child
                            Ascodesmidaceae Go to child
                            Discinaceae Go to child
                            Helvellaceae Go to child
                            Pezizaceae Go to child
                            Pezizales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Pyronemataceae Go to child
                            Sarcoscyphaceae Go to child
                            Sarcosomataceae Go to child
                            Lahmiaceae Go to child
                            Lauriomycetaceae Go to child
                            Aphanopsidaceae Go to child
                            Epigloeaceae Go to child
                            Harpidiaceae Go to child
                            Pezizomycotina_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Saccardiaceae Go to child
                            Strangosporaceae Go to child
                            Thelocarpaceae Go to child
                            Triblidiaceae Go to child
                            Vezdaeaceae Go to child
                            Sareaceae Go to child
                            Zythiaceae Go to child
                            Calosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Coniochaetaceae Go to child
                            Cryphonectriaceae Go to child
                            Diaporthaceae Go to child
                            Diaporthales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Gnomoniaceae Go to child
                            Harknessiaceae Go to child
                            Lamproconiaceae Go to child
                            Melanconidaceae Go to child
                            Pseudovalsaceae Go to child
                            Schizoparmaceae Go to child
                            Sydowiellaceae Go to child
                            Tubakiaceae Go to child
                            Valsaceae Go to child
                            Magnaporthaceae Go to child
                            Ophioceraceae Go to child
                            Ophiostomataceae Go to child
                            Togniniaceae Go to child
                            Bertiaceae Go to child
                            Chaetosphaerellaceae Go to child
                            Nitschkiaceae Go to child
                            Glomerellaceae Go to child
                            Bionectriaceae Go to child
                            Clavicipitaceae Go to child
                            Cordycipitaceae Go to child
                            Hypocreaceae Go to child
                            Hypocreales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Nectriaceae Go to child
                            Niessliaceae Go to child
                            Hypocreomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Ceratostomataceae Go to child
                            Halosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Microascaceae Go to child
                            Microascales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Savoryellaceae Go to child
                            Lulworthiaceae Go to child
                            Meliolaceae Go to child
                            Phomatosporaceae Go to child
                            Obryzaceae Go to child
                            Sordariomycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Thyridiaceae Go to child
                            Trichosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Amplistromataceae Go to child
                            Chaetosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Phaeochoraceae Go to child
                            Phyllachoraceae Go to child
                            Chaetomiaceae Go to child
                            Helminthosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Lasiosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Lasiosphaeridaceae Go to child
                            Sordariaceae Go to child
                            Sordariales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Apiosporaceae Go to child
                            Amphisphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Bartaliniaceae Go to child
                            Clypeosphaeriaceae Go to child
                            Discosiaceae Go to child
                            Pestalotiopsidaceae Go to child
                            Cainiaceae Go to child
                            Diatrypaceae Go to child
                            Graphostromataceae Go to child
                            Hyponectriaceae Go to child
                            Hypoxylaceae Go to child
                            Lopadostomataceae Go to child
                            Oxydothidaceae Go to child
                            Pseudomassariaceae Go to child
                            Requienellaceae Go to child
                            Sporocadaceae Go to child
                            Xylariaceae Go to child
                            Xylariomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Xylobotryaceae Go to child
                            Cephaloascaceae Go to child
                            Agaricomycetes_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Botryobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Cantharellales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Ceratobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Clavariaceae Go to child
                            Clavulinaceae Go to child
                            Hydnaceae Go to child
                            Tulasnellaceae Go to child
                            Corticiaceae Go to child
                            Corticiales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Gloeophyllaceae Go to child
                            Hymenochaetaceae Go to child
                            Hymenochaetales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Hyphodontiaceae Go to child
                            Schizoporaceae Go to child
                            Fomitopsidaceae Go to child
                            Ganodermataceae Go to child
                            Meruliaceae Go to child
                            Phanerochaetaceae Go to child
                            Podoscyphaceae Go to child
                            Polyporaceae Go to child
                            Polyporales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Xenasmataceae Go to child
                            Albatrellaceae Go to child
                            Amylostereaceae Go to child
                            Echinodontiaceae Go to child
                            Hericiaceae Go to child
                            Lachnocladiaceae Go to child
                            Peniophoraceae Go to child
                            Russulaceae Go to child
                            Russulales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Stereaceae Go to child
                            Sebacinaceae Go to child
                            Stereopsidaceae Go to child
                            Thelephoraceae Go to child
                            Hydnodontaceae Go to child
                            Tremellodendropsidaceae Go to child
                            Agaricaceae Go to child
                            Agaricales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Amanitaceae Go to child
                            Bolbitiaceae Go to child
                            Cortinariaceae Go to child
                            Cyphellaceae Go to child
                            Cystostereaceae Go to child
                            Entolomataceae Go to child
                            Hydnangiaceae Go to child
                            Hygrophoraceae Go to child
                            Hymenogastraceae Go to child
                            Inocybaceae Go to child
                            Lyophyllaceae Go to child
                            Marasmiaceae Go to child
                            Mycenaceae Go to child
                            Niaceae Go to child
                            Omphalotaceae Go to child
                            Physalacriaceae Go to child
                            Pleurotaceae Go to child
                            Pluteaceae Go to child
                            Porotheleaceae Go to child
                            Psathyrellaceae Go to child
                            Pterulaceae Go to child
                            Schizophyllaceae Go to child
                            Stephanosporaceae Go to child
                            Strophariaceae Go to child
                            Tricholomataceae Go to child
                            Typhulaceae Go to child
                            Agaricomycetidae_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Amylocorticiaceae Go to child
                            Atheliaceae Go to child
                            Boletaceae Go to child
                            Boletinellaceae Go to child
                            Calostomataceae Go to child
                            Coniophoraceae Go to child
                            Gomphidiaceae Go to child
                            Gyroporaceae Go to child
                            Hygrophoropsidaceae Go to child
                            Paxillaceae Go to child
                            Serpulaceae Go to child
                            Suillaceae Go to child
                            Lepidostromataceae Go to child
                            Auriculariaceae Go to child
                            Auriculariales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Clavariadelphaceae Go to child
                            Gomphaceae Go to child
                            Lentariaceae Go to child
                            Hysterangiaceae Go to child
                            Phallaceae Go to child
                            Filobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Carcinomycetaceae Go to child
                            Tremellaceae Go to child
                            Chionosphaeraceae Go to child
                            Atractiellales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Phleogenaceae Go to child
                            Cyphobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Cystobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Chaconiaceae Go to child
                            Coleosporiaceae Go to child
                            Cronartiaceae Go to child
                            Melampsoraceae Go to child
                            Phakopsoraceae Go to child
                            Pileolariaceae Go to child
                            Pucciniaceae Go to child
                            Pucciniales_family_incertae_sedis Go to child
                            Pucciniastraceae Go to child
                            Tranzscheliaceae Go to child
                            Uropyxidaceae Go to child
                            Septobasidiaceae Go to child
                            Graphiolaceae Go to child
                            Geosiphonaceae Go to child
                            Stemonitidaceae Go to child
                            Cribrariaceae Go to child
                            Didymiaceae Go to child
                            Physaraceae Go to child
                            Trichiaceae Go to child