Thallus foliose, adnate, 2-7(-10) cm diam., often rosette-forming, 5-15 cm diam.; lobes radiating, inflated, hollow, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, usually contiguous, partly discrete or overlapping; upper surface gray or greenish gray, sometimes with brownish margins, smooth with round to oval perforations with flat rims. Vegetative diaspores soredia in soralia; soralia laminal, usually atop of short stalks. Photobiont chlorococcoid alga. Lower surface corticate, black, wrinkled; rhizines absent. Ascomata lecanorine apothecia, very rare.
Chemistry. Cortex K+ pale yellow (atronorin); medulla K+ yellow, KC-, C-, PD+ orange (stictic, constictic and menegazziaic acids).
Substrate and Habitat. Corticolous on trees.
Distribution. Cosmopolitan; in North Carolina found in the Blue Ridge ecoregion.
Hinds, J.W. & P.L. Hinds (2007) The Macrolichens of New England. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden No. 96. New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, New York. 584 pp.
Hoffmann, G.F. (1796) Deutschlands Flora oder botanisches Taschenbuch. Zweyter Theil für das Iahr 1795. Cryptogamie. 200 pp (original description as Lobaria terebrata).