Trass, H. (1978). New and rare taxa of Cladoniaceae in the lichen-flora of the USSR-Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 11, 1-3.
Primary thallus of small, crowded squamules (1-3 mm diam.), upper cortex thick, smooth, dark brown/grayish brown, lower cortex white, without soredia. Podetia long (5-10-14 cm), slender (0,5-2 mm diam .), dark brown/grayish brown, only green in basal part and towards the substratum; cortex thick, epruinose, smooth or tuberous or slightly areolate; podetia erect or perpendicularly irregular, almost reclining, forming dense clumps; simple or slightly branched, without cups or some irregularly formed cups, any of which can have short marginal proliferations. In the podetial wall oblong foramina and long sulci, to almost the skeletal part of the podetia, apparently made of 3-5 small columns; without soredia and isidia, phyllocladium always arranged up to the apices. Apothecia are not found. Pycnidia dark brown/grayish brown towards apical branching or cuplike margin. Thallus KOH- or yellowish (if so, contains atranorin), KOH+Ca(ClO)2 no reaction, C6H4(NH2)2 red (if so, contains fumarprotocetraric acid).
New species decription added to Cladonia section (Clausae Koerb.), subsection Cladonia (Thallostelides Vain.), belongs to series Graciles Trass.
Growing between mosses and other lichens between rock on tundra and tundra mountain forests.U.R.S.S., extreme east, Primorski region, Sikhote-Alin mountains, Mt. Tschernyi, 1200 m ab a.m. in mountain tundra.