TYPE. UNITED STATES. Pennsylvania, near Pennsylvania, on bark, Eckfeldt 45 (PH, lectototype; H-NYL 21968, isolectotype).
Life form. Lichenized fungus.
Description. [Modified from Egea & Torrente (1993)] Thallus crustose, effuse, thin, mostly endophloedal, grayish-white, K/I+ deep blue. Vegetative diaspores absent. PhotobiontTrentepohlia alga. Ascomata apothecoid, scattered, roundish to slightly irregular, 0.2-0.6 mm diam., adnate to sessile; disk black, flat to slightly convex, smooth or uneven, epruinose; margin black, smooth, thin, ±excluded. Exciple dark brown, open below subhymenium, to ~50 μm at the top and to ~65 μm at the base, I+ reddish or deep blue, K/I+ deep blue. Hymenium 140-180 μm, I+ reddish, K/I + pale blue. Subhymenium pale brown, 60-110 μm, I+ reddish, K/I+ deep blue. Hamathecium of paraphysoids, tips slightly thickened to ~4 um wide, branched and anastomosing to form a reticulate, dark brown pseudoepithecium. Asci 110-150 x 23-33 μm; ascospores of Homalotropa-type (cylindrical, constricted at one or more septa, fragmenting into pluricellular segments outside the asci; cells usually wider than long) (60-)70-98 x (6-)7-10 μm, (18-)20-28-septate, occasionally with one or two longitudinally divided cells. Conidiomata pycnidia, immersed or semi-immersed in the thallus or substratum, punctiform, globose or subglobose, to ~75 μm tall, and 70 μm wide; pycnidial wall apically brown, at the base hyaline or pale brown; conidia 18-23 x 1 μm, straight or slightly curved.
Chemistry. Thallus spot tests negative; no substances detected by TLC.
Substrate and habitat. Corticolous on hardwood trees.
Distribution. Coastal eastern North America, also recorded from Brazil and Hawaii; in North Carolina found in the Coastal Plain ecoregion.
Egea, J.M. and P. Torrente (1993) The lichen genus Bactrospora. The Lichenologist25: 211–255 (description as Bactrospora macrospora).
Lendemer, J.C. (2004) Changes and additions to the checklist of North American Lichens. - I. Mycotaxon89(2): 255-258.
Nylander, W. (1885) Arthoniae novae Americae borealis. Flora (Regensburg) 68(16): 311-313 (original description as Gyalecta lamprospora).