TYPE. “An lebenden Zweigen von Pinus armandi in der tp. St. bei Gwandien zwischen Yenyuen und Kwapi, 3000 m, 3.VI.1914 (2829)” (Handel-Mazetti 1930); CHINA. Sichuan, between Yenyuen & Kwapi, 3.VI.1914, H.R.E. Handel-Mazzetti 2829 (W, holotype; US, isotype).
Description.Life form: lichenized fungus.
Thallus crustose, whitish gray, continuous, smooth, corticate, dull to slightly glossy; vegetative diaspores absent. Photobiont trentepohlioid alga. Ascomata lirellae, erumpent, with a basal to lateral thalline margin, elongate, up to 10–15 mm long, straight, curved or sinuous, irregularly branched; labia convergent, very clear 3–7-striate; disk concealed, (tenella-morph). Exciple apically carbonized; hymenium clear. Asci 2-4-spored; ascospores hyaline, muriform, 6–9 × 2–3-septate, 22–38 × 11–15 μm.
Chemistry. No substances detected by TLC.
Substrate and Habitat. Corticolous and foliicolous.
Distribution. Pantropical; in North Carolina found in the Coastal Plain ecoregion.
Kalb, J., R. Lücking & K. Kalb. (2018) The lichen genera Allographa and Graphis (Ascomycota: Ostropales, Graphidaceae) in Thailand – eleven new species, forty-seven new records and a key to all one hundred and fifteen species so far recorded for the country. Phytotaxa377(1): 1-83.
Lücking, R., A.W. Archer & A. Aptroot (2009) A world-wide key to the genus Graphis (Ostropales: Graphidaceae). Lichenologist41(4): 363-452.
Handel-Mazetti, H. (1930) Symbolae Sinicae III. Lichenes von A. Zahlbruckner. J. Springer, Wien. 254 pp. (original description).