TYPE. NORTH AMERICA [UNITED STATES, PENNSYLVANIA?] G.H.E. Mühlenberg s.n. (H, H-ACH 1333, holotype; PH, PH00040810, isolectotype).
Description. Lichenized fungus.
Thallus foliose, adnate. Lobes sublinear to subirregular, tips subrotund, margins ciliate; cilia simple, slender, restricted to lobe axils. Upper surface gray, rugose in center; vegetative diaspores absent. Medulla pale yellow; photobiont Trebouxia alga. Lower surface black, rhizinate; rhizines simple or sparsely branched, black. Ascomata lecanorine apothecia, cup-like, frequent; disk concave, brown.
Chemistry. Medulla K-, PD+ red; atranorin, galbinic acid, zeorin, leucotylin and its derivatives, salazinic acid and secalonic acid A.
Substrate and Habitat. On bark and wood in forests.
Distribution. East Asia, eastern North America; in North Carolina primarily in Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions.
Acharius, E. (1814) Synopsis Methodica Lichenum. Lund (original description as Parmelia galbina).
Elix, J.A. & M.E. Hale. (1987) Canomaculina, Myelochroa, Parmelinella, Parmelinopsis and Parmotremopsis, five new genera in the Parmeliaceae (lichenized Ascomycotina). Mycotaxon29: 233-244.
Moon, K.H., C. Ahn & H. Kashiwadani. (2015) Revision of the lichen genus Myelochroa (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae) in Korea. Journal of Species Research4(1): 23-32.