Ecology: Biotroph; lichenized; endosubstratic or episubstratic; substrate non-calciferous. Thallus: Not subdivided parts, continuous throughout, dispersed along the periphery, continuous in the centre, or dispersed throughout and distinctly seperate; lobes angular at the front; separate thallus parts 0-.8 mm thick. Thallus Size and Differentiation: Large; main branches basally not constricted. Thallus Outline: Margin concolorous the thallus centre. Upper Surface: White, plane; not sorediate; without thalloconidia thalloconidia. Medulla: Iodine reaction in Lugol's solution positive (rarely weak). Ascocarps: Soon sessile, strongly constricted at the base, 7-30 per cm², .8-1.5-(4.5) mm in diam.. Margin: Not flexuose, slightly flexuose, or strongly flexuose, persistent or excluded, 70-100 µm wide, epruinose. Disk: Plane to strongly convex, black, epruinose, without an umbo. Exciple: Hyphae intricately interwoven, with no predominant orientation; 2-4 µm wide; grey or pink (rosé); not inspersed with crystals or inspersed with crystals. Epithecium: Apical cells green or normally turquoise, cell pigment HCl+ blue. Hymenium: 30-50 µm high; white or pale green; iodine reaction: Lugol’s positive. Subhymenium: 10-15 µm high; white or normally pale green. Hypothecium: Brownish yellow or brown. Ascospores: Subglobose, broadly ellipsoid, or rarely ellipsoid, (3.5)-4.8-7.5-(9.5) µm long, (3)-3.6-4.6-(6) µm wide; wall not ornamented. Secondary Metabolites: Present, confluentic acid, 2'-O-methylanziaic acid (rarely; Br:1338), or 2'-O-methylperlatolic acid (minor, traces). Spot Tests: Medulla: K –, C –, PD – ascocarp margin (in section): K – or + bluish red, C – or + red (rarely; Br:1338); disk: C – hypothecium: K – epihymenium: K –.