Thompson, J., 1997. American Arctic Lichens: The Microlichens.
Thallus thin, verruculose or slightly so, gray-white or blue-white, lacking soredia; hypo-thallus indistinct. Apothecia small, to 0.5 mm, sometimes tuberculose and then to 1 mm, broadly attached; margin thin, concolorous with disk, disappearing; disk commonly depressed-convex becoming convex, brick-colored or brick-red; hypothecium pale to brownish, upper part of vertical hyphae; epihymenium pale; hymenium 45-50 μm, hyaline, 1+ blue turning red; paraphyses gelatinous, tips not thickened; asci clavate; spores oblong to slightly ellipsoid, 11-14 X 4-5 μm.
This species grows on the bark of trees, especially conifers such as Abies and Picea, less often on Betula and Alnus. It is circumpolar boreal.