Type. U.S.A. CALIFORNIA: NEVADA CO., summit of Mt. Lincoln, 39.287688N, 120.327978W, elev. 2550 m, [original label data: ‘‘On rock conglomerate. Summit of peak 9000 ft, 2 miles south of Summit Statn , Central P.R.R., Sierra Nevada, Cal.’’], 1882, C.G. Pringle 30 (FH 00513724!, LECTOTYPE designated here by E.A. Davydov & C. Printzen, MYCOBANK Typification No.: MBT 394861; VT 053107!, ISOLECTOTYPE?).
Note. More than one specimen was cited in the protologue: ‘‘Rocks, Sierra Nevada, California, C. G. Pringle, in herb. Sprague. On the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains, Washington Territory, Brandegee, in the same herbarium.’’ Eight syntypes from FH, F, MICH, US and VT with label data corresponding to the description and locality information given in the protologue were examined. The holdings at FH include the most abundant collections of Lecidea pringlei both from California and Washington. All specimens are marked with a stamp ‘‘Boston Society of Natural History,’’ and were apparently donated to the Society by Sprague. One specimen (US 00068526) represents a mixed collection with specimens from two localities which are impossible to attribute. Four of the remaining specimens contain drawings and measurements of ascospores and were selected as candidates for the lectotype. Only one of them (FH 00513724) was collected by Pringle, after whom the species is named. The specimen is accompanied presumably by the collection number – C.G. Pringly 30, as well as a number ‘122’ in the upper left corner and a number ‘771’ in the lower left corner. The significance of the last two numbers remains obscure. The handwriting on the label matches that of C. J. Sprague (see more detailed comment to Lecanora brandegeei). This collection has the most detailed label data and is therefore here designated as the lectotype. Another specimen collected by Pringle, a possible isolectotype (VT 053107), lacks ascospore drawings, and collection data are much poorer than those of the lectotype.