Thallus pale brown to pale grayish brown, usually continuous, rimose-areolate, and rather smooth. Pertihecia embedded in thallus except for the conspicuous black summits that are visible at the surface as black dots with a clearly indented ostiole; involucrellum spreading and distinct from exciple (as shown in Fig. 17a); abundant algal cells (usually spherical) in the hymenial cavity; spores colorless, (4-)8 per ascus, 15-28 X 9-12 µm. HABITAT: Typically on lime-containing rocks, but sometimes on gneiss or even granite; usually in shaded habitats. COMMENTS: This is by far the most common 8-spored Staurothele, but the spores are often hard to count because finding a full ascus is not easy. Look for immature asci with small, developing spores.