Nash, T.H., Ryan, B.D., Gries, C., Bungartz, F., (eds.) 2004. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol 2.
Pseudothecia: black, ±immersed, 0.16-0.26 mm in diam. ascomatal wall: medium brown, (15-)20-30(-50) µm thick, apically thickened, with a hyaline subhymenial zone paraphysoids: absent periphyses: septate, partly embedded in gelatin, (15-)20-30(-40) x (1-)1.5(-2) µm asci: clavate to subcylindrical, sessile or shortly stalked, 35-50 x 13-15 µm, 8-spored ascospores: medium to dark brown, 1-septate, with transverse, relatively thick septum that is not or scarcely constricted, oval to broadly oval, ends scarcely attenuated, 10-12 x 6.5-7 µm; wall: thick and smooth Pycnidia: not seen. Hosts: Endococcus propinquus s. l. is known from a wide range of hosts; in the Sonoran Desert region it is known from Calvitimela armeniaca and Carbonea sp.; E. propinquus s. str. is confined to Porpidia species, and it not known from the Sonoran area Sonoran distribution: Arizona. Notes: Endococcus propinquus, as recognized by Triebel (1989), is known from a large number of host genera. In ENDOCOCCUS