Nash, T.H., Ryan, B.D., Gries, C., Bungartz, F., (eds.) 2004. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol 2.
Life habit: lichenicolous, parasitic, non-lichenized Ascomata and conidiomata: unknown Mycelium: immersed in the host apothecia or thallus, growing towards the surface, hyaline to brown, branched, smooth, composed of elongate, often torulose cells, +constricted at the septa conidiophores: semi-macronematous, basally thin-walled and almost hyaline, towards the apex becoming brown and thick walled, smooth, often branched conidiogenous cells: pale brown, integrated, terminal, monoblastic, shortly subcylindrical, smooth conidia: catenate, pale to dark brown, generally 0-1-septate, ellipsoid to subglobose, often agglomerating in multicellular structures, thin to thick walled, smooth Geography: probably cosmopolitan Substrate: in apothecia or thalli of lichens and lichenicolous fungi. Notes: The genus Intralichen has recently been described for lichenicolous hyphomycetes with a submersed, pale to distinctly brown mycelium growing towards the surface, where 0-1-septate, smooth, brownish conidia are produced. This extremely simple growth form and biology is likely to have evolved several times within ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, and therefore it is evident that some of the species and specimens referred here are not related with the type specimen of the type species. Cultural and molecular studies are needed to give a modern treatment of these very common and widespread fungi.