New to the Galapagos; a predominantly Central American species; a typical corticolous element of the coastal and arid zone. The species is characterized by narrow lobes, which are ± angular and never canaliculate. Towards the base its branches become distinctly flattened, the lobe tips are pointed and not curled backwards. Apothecia are laminal along the side of the branches. The branches have a dense medulla, a smooth to finely striate surface with parallel, linear pseudocyphellae; tubercules are absent. The species reacts K- or K+ pinkish (sekikaic acid). The Galapagos material does not contain stenosporic acid.
Selected specimens examined. Ecuador: Galápagos: Pinta Island, at the S-coast, a little E of Cabo Chalmers, 0˚ 33’ 2” N, 90˚ 46’ 3” W, alt. 10 m, coastal zone; old lava flow with scarce vegetation (Opuntia galapageia, Alternathera filifolia, Prosopis juliflora), on bark, dead twigs of Bursera graveolens lying on the ground; semi-shaded, wind- and rain-exposed, 01 iii 2007, F. Bungartz 6076 (CDS no. 33755); Pinzón Island, along the trail going up from Playa Escondida, 0˚ 36’ 5” S, 90˚ 39’ 54” W, alt. 225 m, arid zone with Prosopis juliflora, Alternanthera filifolia, Maytenus octogona, and Croton scouleri, on bark, twigs, 16 ii 2006, A. Aptroot 64133 (CDS no. 30696); San Cristóbal Island, saddle between the two summits of Cerro Tortuga, 0˚ 44’ 52” S, 89˚ 29’ 27” W, alt. 140 m, arid zone; open Piscidia carthagenensis woodland with understory of Cordia lutea, on bark, twigs of Cordia lutea; sunny, wind- and rain-exposed, 25 iv 2007, F. Bungartz 6556 (CDS no. 34774); Santa Cruz Island, at the North side of the island, along the dirt road to the ash quarry Mina Granilla Negra, 0˚ 34’ 22” S, 90˚ 19’ 55” W, alt. 27 m, arid zone; dry deciduous lowland forest (Bursera graveolens, Heliotropium sp, Acacia sp, Zanthoxylum fagara), on bark, twigs, 23 ii 2006, A. Aptroot 64481 (CDS no. 31053); Santiago Island, along the trail from Bucanero to Jaboncillos, ca. 2 km SE of Bucanero , 0˚ 10’ 34” S, 90˚ 48’ 55” W, alt. 225 m, arid zone; open woodland with Bursera graveolens, Vallesia glabra, Castela galapageia, Cordia lutea and grasses, among basalt boulders and outcrops, on bark, Castela twigs, 22 iii 2006, A. Aptroot 65366 (CDS no. 31952).
from: Aptroot, A. & Bungartz, F. (2007) The lichen genus Ramalina on the Galapagos. The Lichenologist39(6): 519-542.