TYPE. UNITED STATES. “in Carolina et Georgia, Americae Borealis lecta a. cl. Ravenel” (Nylander 1869) (H-NYL 31760, holotype).
Description. Lichenized fungus.
Thallus foliose, orbicular up to 40 mm diam., smooth, pale to brownish gray. Lobes linear, appressed with rounded tips without pruina. Vegetative diaspores marginal dactyls (schizidia) and coarse soredia, granular to isidia-like. Medulla salmon-colored. Lower surface black; rhizines black, simple to irregularly branched., frequent to abundant. Ascomata lecideine apothecia, infrequent, up to 1.0 mm diam.; disk black to gray with grayish pruina, flat to slightly concave; ascospores brown, 2-celled, 12-18 x 6-7 μm. Pycnidia rare, subapical; conidida 3-4 x 1 μm.
Distribution. South and North America; in North Carolina found throughout.
Amtoft. A. (2002) Pyxine subcinerea in the eastern United States. The Bryologist105(2): 270-272.
Jungbluth, P. (2010). Estudos taxonômicos em Physcia (Schreb.) Michx. e Pyxine Fr. (Physciaceae, Ascomycota). São Paulo. Tese (doutorado) — Instituto de Botânica da Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente.
Nylander, W. (1869) Synopsis methodica lichenum omnium hucusque cognitorum praemissa introductione lingua gallica tractata. L. Martinet, Paris. 1-64, pl. I pp. (original description as Pyxine cocoes var. caesiopruinosa).