TYPE. UNITED STATES. Florida, near Daytona, 1911, G.K. Merrill 149 (US, holotype; PH PH00081543, isotype).
Description. Life form: lichenized fungus.
Thallus crustose, epiphloedal, whitish gray, continuous, verrucose, 3-5 cm wide. Potobiont trentepohlioid alga. Ascomata pore-like apothecia in thalline warts, 1-2 mm diam.; medulla pink; pore round, 0.1-0.3 mm diam.; central columella (exciple) conspicuous, 0.2 mm wide, pruinose. Hymenium ~200 μm high; asci monosporous; ascospores hyaline to brownish, transversely 18-22-septate, 100-130 x 20-30 μm.
Chemistry. Medulla C+ pink; gyrophoric acid
Substrate and Habitat. Corticolous on oak trees in open areas.
Distribution. Southeastern North America along Gulf and Atlantic coasts; in North Carolina found in Coastal Plain ecoregion.
Hale, M.E., Jr (1973) Studies on the lichen family Thelotremataceae. 1. Phytologia 26: 413-420.