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Collection Profile for: University of Richmond Herbarium (URV)

University of Richmond Herbarium (known in the botanical community by the acronym URV) features nearly 20,000 specimens, including 2,000 specimens of Algae, 1,450 specimens of Lichens, 1,400 specimens of Myxomycetes, 1,000 specimens of Fungi, 450 specimens of Bryophytes and 15,000 specimens of Vascular plants. The collection is accessible to students studying botany.


Collection Statistics

  • 1,895 specimen records
  • 302 (16%) georeferenced
  • 1,886 (100%) with images (1,886 total images)
  • 1,819 (96%) identified to species
  • 16 families
  • 58 genera
  • 170 species
  • 176 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Ahtiana (5)
  • Anzia (3)
  • Bryoria (5)
  • Bulbothrix (1)
  • Canoparmelia (8)
  • Cetraria (5)
  • Cetrelia (4)
  • Flavocetraria (2)
  • Flavoparmelia (29)
  • Hypogymnia (8)
  • Hypotrachyna (19)
  • Imshaugia (2)
  • Melanelixia (3)
  • Melanohalea (1)
  • Menegazzia (2)
  • Myelochroa (6)
  • Parmelia (9)
  • Parmelinopsis (2)
  • Parmotrema (44)
  • Platismatia (4)
  • Pseudevernia (1)
  • Pseudoparmelia (1)
  • Punctelia (33)
  • Tuckermanella (4)
  • Usnea (50)
  • Usnocetraria (5)
  • Vulpicida (1)
  • Xanthoparmelia (3)
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