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Collection Profile for:
University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC-lichen)

The UBC Herbarium Lichen collection currently contains over 35,000 accessioned specimens. The lichen collection is arranged alphabetically by genera. Within each genus, the species are by alphabetical order. Each species is then arranged in order by geographical regions. The regions are separated by color-coded index cards. North America (North of Mexico) is indicated by a coloured marker on the upper left corner of the card. The cards for material outside of North America have makers on the right. The geographical regions are assigned colours and numbers, where colours are put on the index cards, and numbers are placed on the outside of the boxes.


Collection Statistics

  • 56,700 specimen records
  • 43,395 (77%) georeferenced
  • 54 (0.1%) with images (59 total images)
  • 54,630 (96%) identified to species
  • 140 families
  • 493 genera
  • 3,029 species
  • 3,167 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 February 2024
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: UBC LIchen IPT
Usage Rights:
Rights Holder: University of British Columbia
Geographic Distribution - Venezuela
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