
Lichenes Exsiccati Italiae auctore A. Massalongo, ex ejusdem Herbario iterum distributi cura Prof. M. Anzi
(IndExs #1472651647)
Abbreviation: Anzi, Lich. Exs. Ital. Auct. Massal. [n/a]
Editor(s): Martino Anzi
Range: 1-360
Notes: fungi/lichens; preceded by Massalongo, Lich. Ital. Exs. [Veronae] (#1-360); according to Sayre (1969: 146) the content of this set is identical with the preceding series by Massalongo. Hence we regard it most probably that it was distributed by Anzi from the Massalongo herbarium after Massalongos death; preceded by Massalongo, Lich. Ital. Exs. [Veronae] (#1-360)