
Lichenes Arctici Collecti Aestate 1863 In Lapponia Orientali
(IndExs #58046043)
Abbreviation: Fellman, Lich. Arct. Coll. [Helsingfors]
Editor(s): Nils Isak Fellman
Range: 1-224
Notes: fungi/lichens; according to Sayre (1969) and Dorr & Nicholson (2008) issued by N. I. Fellman, according to Stafleu & Cowan (1976) issued by N. I. Fellman (with W. Nylander); according to Sennikov & Kozhin 2018, Mem. Soc. Fauna F. Fenn. 94: 17-18 the exsiccata was issued in December 1864.