
Teloschistaceae exsiccati #63
Wetmore, Teloschist. Exs. [St. Paul (Minnesota)]
Clifford M. Wetmore [1-118]
IndExs #533678710

Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium
Catalog #:
C.M. Wetmore #79214 30 December 1997
Caloplaca microphyllina (Tuck.) Hasse
Mexico, Baja California, Along secondary track ca 0.5 km SW of route 1 and 13 km N of Catavina.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: WIS-L-0121414
C.M. Wetmore #79214 30 December 1997
Caloplaca microphyllina (Tuck.) Hasse
Mexico, Baja California, Along secondary track ca 0.5 km SW of route 1 and 13 km N of Catavina.

Lichen Herbarium of the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University
Catalog #: L-145473
Clifford C. Wetmore #79214 30 December 1997
Caloplaca microphyllina (Tuck.) Hasse
Mexico, Baja California, Along secondary track 0.5 km SW of route 1 and 13 km N of Catavina, Vizaino region of the Sonoran Desert (Eriogonum, Idria, Larrea, Pachycereus)