Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
James P. Bennett and Clifford M. Wetmore
Locality: Utah (37.570600, -112.178520)
Families: 2.
Genera: 2.
Species: 3.
Total Taxa: 3.
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source: Wetmore, C. 1994b. The lichen genus Caloplaca in North and Central America with brown or black apothecia. Mycologia 86: 813-838.
source: Wetmore, C. & E. Kärnefelt. 1998. The lobate and subfruticose species of Caloplaca in North and Central America. Bryol. 101: 230-255.
source: Thomson, J. 1991. The lichen genus Staurothele in North America. Bryol. 94: 351-367.