Lichenes Italici Exsiccati, auctore doct. Abr. B. Prof. Massalongo, e quadraginta viris societatis scientiarum Italiae
(IndExs #954199730)
Abbreviation: Massalongo, Lich. Ital. Exs. [Veronae]
Editor(s): Abramo Bartolommeo Massalongo
Range: 1-360
Notes: fungi/lichens; superseded by Anzi, Lich. Exs. Ital. Auct. Massal. [n/a] (#1-360); issued in bound fascicles; each fascicle has printed pages with continued numbering from 1 (fascicle 1) to 188 (fascicle 10) in the beginning; there are given full descriptions in Latin, synonyms and precise localities for each specimen